Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is my wonderful mom's birthday! There is truly no right words to capture what she has meant to me growing up and still does. A lot of people always say, " I hope I don't end up like my mom when I am older." Well I feel the opposite and I have strived to be more passionate, patient and have a servants heart as she does. She has ALWAYS been there for me through thick and thin and knows me better than anyone (besides my hubby). 
Mom I want you to know that you are AMAZING and that I miss you everyday and wish that we were closer in proximity so I can see you whenever I want. You are an amazing mom AND as I knew you would be an AMAZING grandma to my precious Delaney. 

Pics below are in random order

Mom and dad at my wedding ' 06

                                                        Mom with her first grandchild Delaney ( Hollister)

Chico, CA

Dec 2012

San Juan 2006
Mom wine tasting with me for my bachelorette

Mom standing on "the surfboard" at the top of Half Dome ( daredevil)

 Moss Landing with Penney

Mom with grandchild #2 Boston 

San Juan

Love you!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday!!!!!


  1. Hey, she and I have the same birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday Tiffany's Beautiful Mother!!!! You two have such a Beautiful Mother - Daughter relationship!!! She has prepared you well for motherhood by being a great example. Love and Hugs to you both <3 xo Sandy
