Sunday, November 20, 2011

Downtown Chico Christmas Preview

Well, this was another first for the Doodlebug. Before we went downtown we went to Barnes & Noble and picked up another Llama book for D. This one was Llama Llama Red Pajama by Ann Dewdney. So cute ( sigh). Then we  headed downtown and with some time to kill before the Christmas preview we headed over to Jon & Bon's (one of our favorite spots to frequent) to get some fro-yo that is frozen yogurt. We are serious regulars, the girl at the counter even said, "what no wagon this time?" as we are known for toting little baby around in the wagon when downtown. I was jumping up and down when I saw that the holiday flavors were out. So I got my regular peanut butter cookie frozen yogurt on one half and got pumpkin on the other. Too die for! Don't ask me what spurred us to eat such a cold treat on such a frigid day.

Yummy, half peanut butter cookie and half pumpkin frozen yogurt

                                         My pumpkin enjoys the pumpkin as well.

The  Christmas preview was better than I expected. Many of the downtown businesses had kids from local dance studios dancing in the store windows to loud, hip hop and christmas themed music.  They freestyle danced or performed ballet for an admiring freezing crowd looking inward from the outside.

One  bank displayed 2  adorable, furry, baby lions only 10 weeks old from a small local zoo/ refuge in their window. D was quite enamored by them and kept attempting to go past the caution tape. Dare Devil.

We waited in this line to see Santa. But it took WAY too long and was too cold. So we left and are still on the Santa prowl. Doodle has not met him yet.  I really want a pic of them together even if she freaks out like when she saw Elmo on Halloween.

Here is Doodle and I both sporting our pea coats and of course Daddy got to carry her around most of the time because he is "the muscle" in the family and my wimpy arms tire out after 5 minutes.

Here is us leaving. Why is it that when the baby is fussy, we are always stuck in bumper to bumper traffic?

Well thats all folks!

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