Monday, November 7, 2011

Let me share some of our shops featured designs!

Here are some of the designs that Doolittle Design currently has featured at our etsy shop. They are inspired through the birth of our first child Delaney. Oh, the joys and struggles of parenthood. How much you learn about yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, being selfless and how much you took for granted prior to having a baby. A big one for me is the admiration and respect I have for my own parents who I often reflect on with all they went through in raising me AND my brother up.

Everyone always says that Delaney is NOT an ordinary baby. From about 3 months of age she has been sleeping through the night. Even when she was teething or sick she would for the most part always stay asleep. She also never has given us any hassle with giving her medicine, baths, brushing her teeth and she LOVES most food including ( peas and carrots) uck. I mean whose kid is she anyways. I am lucky if I eat vegetables one time a day and that is not by choice. I have to force myself. She goes nuts if she sees the peas or corn and you don't get them to her ASAP. PS. the saying about never waking a sleeping baby is true. Check out the book, Happy Child Healthy Sleep Habits by Marc Weisbluth. He explains how as your baby's brain is developing they actually require more sleep and the more they get the more they will sleep overall. The other poster features a tag announcing " new arrival" and then displaying your baby's birth stats. One is of my sweet nephew, Boston and the other is for my daughter. These make a great gift and keepsake for new parents. We had so much fun coming up with these designs and wanted to share them with you all!

Chow- Tiffany : )

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