Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I am thankful for............................

I am thankful for SO many things,

First of all I am SO thankful for the best hubby/father to our daughter ever. He literally makes her  us both chuckle like no one else can.  He is the best provider, encourager and friend I could ask for. I love you sweetie!

D and her dada

Also, for my mother who listens to me babble on the phone about nonsense for up to an hour each day. Who still babies me when I am sick. Who along with my hubby knows me better than anyone. Who drives 4 hours once a month to watch her granddaughter for a couple of days.

D and grandma Diane

I am also thankful for my baby girl who makes me laugh. Who is not too difficult by baby standards and who I look forward to seeing everyday. She makes me excited about the future, Ok about getting older and an overall better person.


 I am thankful for my MIL who takes care of little Doodlebug TWICE a week while I go off to work. She is loving, thoughtful, generous, and she is easy to talk to. She plays hard with D and teaches her a lot of new things.

D and my MIL

I am also very thankful for my sister-in law, Rebekah. We have a very good relationship and I love her SO much.
She is SO sweet, caring and funny and the best auntie ever! and I always look forward to spending time with her. I am also thankful for my new brother in law and Rebekah's hubby Dan. He is so smart, kind, and down to earth, he is also a blast to hang out with. I could not have handpicked a better guy for her.

Dan and Rebekah

 I am thankful for my nephew. Little Boston is SO cute and I miss him so much! I am thankful when I do get to spend time with him because I know that he is going to change so much and I want him to know me. I love my brother and his girlfriend Brianna too of course! Thanks for making such a cute, sweet baby!

I am also thankful for my dad. He always gives the best advice and insight to difficult situations that I may face. I always know if I am down and I call him, he will cheer me up. He has inspired me in SO many ways throughout my life. I love you Dad!

My dad with D

I am thankful for my father in law. He is the first one who will be at your side when you are in need. He is a great listener and a wise and godly man. I have learned and continue to learn a lot from his as well.

My father in law, David and D

I am thankful for so many other people, that I could be here all day mentioning you all. I am thankful for my grandma Maxine who I have always been very close to and miss so much. Also, my grandpa Vaughn my  grandma Orlaine's who passed away's second husband. He is very generous and kind and has treated me like his own granddaughter, even now.  Lila and Frank ( Ben's grandparents) who have taken me in as their own and poured out their love and generosity.  My bother in law Stephen, who is a talented, insightful and kind-hearted man. I also value our relationship. I am thankful for all my extended family, and for all my close friends ( Michaelle Peacock, Alyssa & Ryan Manes, Chris & Ashley Palmer, Amanda Konyn, Christina Sands, Lisa Pakla, Jennifer Pearce,  Kim & Mike Cardenas, my neighbors Tomi & Nolan, everyone at Faith Bible church in Willows, CA. My co-workers and my great job! Thanks everyone for giving me SO much to be thankful for!

Ciao, Tiff

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