Sunday, November 6, 2011

Project Purge!!!!!

My little family has been sick on and off for over the last month. That means that many projects that we have wanted to accomplish were put to the wayside. Over the weekend we got an extra burst of energy and decided to tackle some projects. About a month ago my hubby chopped down a small tree in our yard that had been giving us a lot of hassle. The leaves from the tree were like velcro and they would fall off and stick to my dogs fur and thus end up in our house. I would literally come home everyday and see our floors peppered in leaves. So everyday I would end up vacuuming and sweeping the ENTIRE house, needless to say it was no fun. Also, a few months ago I decided to start to be more green by recycling all bottles and cans that we utilize. It ended up being mainly Snapple tea bottles and Sierra Nevada Kellerweis. I thought to myself this is great for the environment AND I can use the small amounts of extra money to put into Doodlebugs savings account. However, it has gotten a bit out of control and I do not have reasonable storage for them so I have been using buckets and old garbage cans to store them in and now they are brimming over. So my wonderful hubby and brother in law made a trip to the dump and to the recycling center.
THEN, we went inside the house and tackled our closets. We each got rid of over HALF our clothes. It felt so good to get rid of the clutter and by doing that I noticed many clothes that were hidden in the mix that I totally forgot about. It's like having a brand new outfit again. Anyways, Delaney thought it was pretty cool to see the clothes fly into a pile which to her was the size of Mt. St. Helen's. That is until she repeatedly tripped over it and landed flat on her back. Poor thing. Anyhoo, we am ready to tackle winter head on now. I hope this inspires you to do the finish up some last minute projects!

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